Forget the Hot Stove – It’s No Cook Wednesday

Although a new concept, “No Cook Wednesdays” have become a welcome dinner alternative for Carmichaels residents and the greater community. Once a week, families say goodbye to the heat and effort of preparing a meal at home and gain new options for a night out at Wana B. Park. With a collection of food trucks, dessert stands, and refreshing drinks and snacks, “No Cook Wednesdays” have become a rapid staple of the past spring and summer months.

Barbie McMinn, Event Director of Wana B. Park says that she had the idea to bring food trucks to the park back in March. She explains, “[I wanted] new events to bring people to the park, so I thought, ‘Let’s try food trucks!’” Barbie began reaching out to different food trucks and bakeries, many at first from the Pittsburgh area. Sourcing these businesses proved to be a challenge due to the long travel distance, however, so she turned to a primarily local business base. In May, the first “No Cook Wednesday” was a whopping success, and the rest have followed suit so far. 

“Trucks typically sell out every week,” Barbie says, and there are “at least a couple hundred people per week.” It’s a win-win situation. “It helps out local people who run trucks and brings more food to the area,” she continues. With relatively few restaurant choices in the Carmichaels area, the community is met with two or three new food truck options each week, marketing various cuisines for a taste of something different. 

“No Cook Wednesdays” are offered from May 1–July 31 this year, although Barbie hopes to bring in a truck or two throughout the end of summer and early fall on a more sporadic basis. “We don’t want it to tire out,” she says. The weekly event is open to the community at Wana B. Park from 4-7 pm every Wednesday evening. The goal is to make “No Cook Wednesdays” a yearly tradition, and Barbie plans to follow the same schedule for next year’s dates of operation.

Dinner isn’t the only reason to come out for “No Cook Wednesday”, however. Depending on the week, various dessert and snack stands are offered as well, featuring ice cream, shaved ice, popcorn and refreshing lemonade from PA Poppers, and sweet baked treats by Maria Christopher. There are also opportunities to support charity causes, such as the Hat Design Bar hosted by Carmichaels students Cara Jones and Kennedy Martin. These two young ladies offer ball cap decoration to raise funds for St. Jude Children’s Hospital. On the hottest of summer days, there have also been blow-up water slides for children to cool off from the heat and play in the sun. 

“I’m just so happy the community is loving it!” Barbie says. 

As the summer sun heats up, it’s no wonder “No Cook Wednesday” is such a hit– featuring food, fun, and fellowship, it is the epitome of our tight-knit community’s supportive and celebratory spirit.