Saving Greensboro: Documentary Puts Town in Spotlight
Previously called Delight, the small town of Greensboro sits snugly against the mighty Monongahela and was once a social, commercial, and manufacturing hub for the area. One of the reasons
Category Results: Leisure
Public Service Profile: Greene County Library System
In a rural community like Greene County, a library is more than just a library. It’s a community space, meeting place, learning facility, communication center, and much more. Without the
I Love This Place: PA State Game Lands
W hat’s not to love about the State Game Lands of Greene County? They are wild and wonderful, a refuge for wildlife, and protected from development by the Commonwealth as
GreeneScene of the Past: Coon Hunting
I first saw this old family photograph in the 1990s when visiting Terry and Jane Cole at their log cabin home on Hoovers Run. We spent hours looking at photos and
What Life was Like – The Monongahela Culture
Prehistory is the term used to describe the time periods and cultures that existed before the advent of writing and the written record. In many cases, all that we know