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Three Invasions of Gettysburg

Eva K. Bowlby Library

10/06, 6pm @Bowlby Library. The first three days of July in 1863 were fateful days for the course of the Civil War. What happened on each of those days? How

Event Series Flea Market

Flea Market

Greene County Fair Grounds 107 Fairgrounds Rd, Waynesburg, PA, United States

Bi-Weekly Flea and Farm Market — held each Tuesday and Saturday from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rental fee is $6 per space. For reservations, call 724-852-5323.

Event Series Tech Tutoring

Tech Tutoring

Eva K. Bowlby Library

  10am-12pm (Wednesdays), 1-3pm (Thursdays) @Bowlby Library. Need help with your device? A tech-savvy librarian is ready to help! FMI, call 724-627-9776.