Rain Day
Downtown Waynesburg 10 East High St, Waynesburg, PA, United States7/29 @Downtown Waynesburg. See schedule for times nd check out our articles for lots of information about Rain Day happenings.
7/29 @Downtown Waynesburg. See schedule for times nd check out our articles for lots of information about Rain Day happenings.
The Rain Day Festival is held every year on July 29th it is a street fair in the heart of town, live entertainment on the courthouse steps, arts and crafts
7pm @First Christian Church in Waynesburg on Mondays.
Bi-Weekly Flea and Farm Market — held each Tuesday and Saturday from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rental fee is $6 per space. For reservations, call 724-852-5323.
6:30pm @ Carmichaels & Cumberland Twp VFC.
10am-12pm (Wednesdays), 1-3pm (Thursdays) @Bowlby Library. Need help with your device? A tech-savvy librarian is ready to help! FMI, call 724-627-9776.
1-4pm @Bowlby Library. RSVP at 724-627-9776.
5pm @Thistlethwaite Vineyards. Glass and bottle specials, food, and a peaceful atmosphere each Wednesday.
10am-12pm (Wednesdays), 1-3pm (Thursdays) @Bowlby Library. Need help with your device? A tech-savvy librarian is ready to help! FMI, call 724-627-9776.
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