Cool at School: Carmichaels Center for Performing Arts

Involvement in the arts is almost always beneficial for children, creating well-rounded children. Musical theatre offers valuable benefits to children: self-confidence, creative self-expression, enhanced social skills and friendships, increased memory, intellectual growth, and more. Susan Zalar understands the importance of providing opportunities like this to our area youth. 

 Almost 30 years ago, Susan Zalar opened the Center for Performing Arts in the former fire hall in Carmichaels, bringing more opportunities for dance and musical theatre to Greene County. In those years, she’s seen the importance of musical theatre for herself. Through the Center for Performing Arts, students have been able to creatively explore their identity on stage and make lasting memories. 

This May, the students of the Center for the Performing Arts (CPA) will present two shows in the Stan Ferek Auditorium at Carmichaels Area Middle and Senior High School. The CPA’s Junior Company will be performing “Matilda”, and the Senior Company will perform “Descendants.”

The decision to choose “Matilda” was an easy one: “There were lots of incoming little ones to the program, and they love the new movie. Also, they are familiar with the songs. It’s a nice introduction to theatre,” says Director Kyleigh Polish-Angelo. 

The role of Matilda will be played by Marklee Beal, age nine. “I am very excited to play the role of Matilda as this is the first time I will be in a lead role. I love acting, singing, and dancing.”

The part of Lavender, Matilda’s friend, will be played by Joelle Katruska, age nine. She is especially excited to portray Lavender: “I love the role of Lavender because she is Matilda’s best friend. Marklee and I are best friends, so it’s fun that we get to be in this role together both on and off the stage.”

Miss Honey, Matilda’s teacher, will be portrayed by 12-year-old Karis Spector. She loved the show’s happy ending and, “Also, I enjoy the music!”

The main antagonist of Matilda, Miss Trunchbull, will be played by Stacee Palmer, age 11, who enjoys being the villain in Matilda. “My favorite part is getting to call the little ones ‘maggots’. It makes me laugh!”

To prepare for the performance, students had weekly rehearsals on Thursdays and currently on Saturday mornings. Each student has a script that they can practice at home. Many students have been watching the musical to better understand the characters and their personalities. Their classes are composed of 30 minutes of movement, 30 minutes of drama and 30 minutes of voice. In addition, the students play games to get warmed up and ready for class. 

The Junior Company’s production of “Matilda” will be performed on May 4 at 7:30pm and May 5 at 2:30pm. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the door.  The Senior Company’s performance of Descendants on May 24 and 25 at 7:30pm. For more information, find the Center for Performing Arts on Facebook. 

About Danielle Nyland

Current Position: Editor and Social Media Manager of GreeneScene Community Magazine. Danielle Nyland is a local photographer, artist, and writer. She is a Greene County native and currently lives in Nemacolin with her husband, Daytona, two sons, Remington and Kylo, and an English bull terrier, Sparky. Danielle has a background in graphic design, web publishing, social media, management, and photography. She graduated American Public University with an associate degree in web publishing and Bellevue University with a bachelor degree in graphic design. She has also attended the New York Institute of Photography. Before joining the team, she worked in retail and as an instructor at Laurel Business Institute. Outside of her work with the GreeneScene, she enjoys painting and drawing, photography, and loves reading books and watching movies – especially the scary ones! Danielle has been photographing and writing about local history and events since 2010 as part of the SWPA Rural Exploration team. She’s active in local community events and committees. She’s a board member with Flenniken Public Library and is on the committees for the Sheep & Fiber Festival, 50’s Fest & Car Cruise, and Light Up Night.