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Author Archives: Michelle Church

About Michelle Church

Michelle loves reading, animals, and cooking. She writes book reviews of every single book she reads on Netgalley and Goodreads. She gets early copies of upcoming books from The Book Club Cookbook, GalleyMatch and The First Editions. She has checked the following off her bucket list: seeing British singer Robbie Williams in concert, meeting Billy Corgan from the Smashing Pumpkins, and seeing Jerry Seinfeld do stand-up in person. Michelle has lived in Carmichaels most of her life. She attended All Saints School until high school and is a graduate of Waynesburg University with a Pre-Law major and Social Science minor. She spent a few years in Maryland and Virginia (DC area) after marrying the love of her life. Since moving back home, she’s enjoyed the local Greene County events more than ever. Michelle lives with her husband Lee and their beloved “Church cats.” She loves to find new recipes to cook and photograph. Her family and friends tell her she should write a cookbook.

Cool at School: Esports

Before the pandemic hit, an intriguing, cutting-edge team was suggested to Cassandra Menhart by her student Jacob Smith. Jacob came with the idea of adding an Esports team at Carmichaels


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Gnome Sweet Gnome

To quote Bruce Garrabrandt, “creativity doesn’t wait for that perfect moment. It fashions its own perfect moments out of ordinary ones.” This quote easily applies to Angela Schamp and her


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Baking with Heart

Does life seem extra sweet lately? That’s because the Greene County Fair’s famous baking competition is right around the corner. The baking competitions urge amateur bakers residing in Pennsylvania to


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