Liam Wants a Pet: Local Author Writes New Children’s Book

Many things can bring a young child joy. One of those things is reading a good book. Many exceptional children’s books have been written over the years, coming from people of all backgrounds. Angela Wilson has finished her first book, Liam Wants a Pet. Wilson wrote the book, and her sister Roxanna Roberts illustrated it. 

The book is about a young boy named Liam who really wants to get his first pet and has to learn about all the responsibilities that come with pet ownership. One of the book’s key points is learning about the obligations that come with having and taking care of a pet. Other lessons the book teaches are that hard work pays off, and achieving your goals takes perseverance – the goals won’t just happen for you. Wilson expects both children and adults can take that away from the book. She hopes to teach that with hard work, you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. Wilson herself was able to achieve a longtime goal she had with writing this book.

Wilson said she had wanted to write a book since she was younger. She recently took advantage of the opportunity and, with hard work, published the children’s book. It took her about one and a half years to write it, finding time whenever she could to work on it. She said that besides it being a dream and goal of hers to write a book, there was another reason that she wanted to write it: she was writing the book for her children.

One of the hardest parts of the entire process was publication. It was not like anything that she had done before, and it took a lot of research and time. Like most new things, it was a learning process, but definitely worth it in the end to be able to say that she was an author who has a book now on the market.

If you would like to read the book, you’ll find it at the Eva K. Bowlby Public Library to be checked out at any time. The book will also be available during a book signing at the Bowlby Library on May 7, at 5pm. Wilson will also have a reading at the library that evening. If you are not able to make it to May 7 signing, there will be another opportunity at the Barnes & Noble store in Morgantown, West Virginia. The Barnes & Noble signing is May 11 from 1pm to 5pm, with a book reading at 3pm. The books will be available to purchase at the signings for just $15 each.

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