Library Hours: Monday & Wednesday: 9am – 7pm | Tuesday & Thursday: 9am – 6pm | Friday & Saturday: 9am – 4pm
Story Classes – Spring Story Classes will start on March 3rd and run for 10 weeks for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary children! Stories, games, songs, crafts, and a snack tailored to each age group. Call or check our website to register today!
Baby Lap Sit – ages 6 weeks to 18 months Tuesdays at 9:30 AM
Toddlers – ages 18 months to 35 months Tuesdays at 10:30 AM | Fridays at 10:30 AM
Preschoolers – ages 3-5 years Mondays at 10:30 AM | Tuesdays at 1:30 PM
Stories Under the Moon – ages 2-6 years Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Thursday Programing – In addition to our regular story times, we will be offering a rotating selection of play-learning programs on Thursday mornings for toddlers and preschoolers. Come to whichever program you like, which all start at 10:30 AM, in addition to story time or instead: 1st Thursday: Yoga & Movement | 2nd Thursday: Sensory-Friendly Storytime | 3rd Thursday: Dance Party | 4th Thursday: Messy/Sensory Art. Call 724-627-9776 to sign-up or talk to the Children’s Desk for more information.
Sensory-Friendly Storytime – Second Thursday of each month at 10:30 AM. A Sensory Storytime is one especially designed to help children with sensory and/or attention issues and their families to feel comfortable at Storytime. It is inclusive, not exclusive – no specific diagnosis necessary, but you’ll still fit in if you do. The stories will be for preschoolers, but all ages are welcome.
Build Break – Thursdays @ 4:00 PM. Bring your whole family for building fun for all ages, from blocks to LEGOs. Weekly challenges will be set up for those who are looking for more difficulty and still want to have fun! Call 724-627-9776 to let us know if you plan on coming, but walk-ins are welcome.
Book Club – Thursday, March 13th from 4:30 – 6:00 PM. This month’s book discussion is on Sally Page’s “The Keeper of Stories”, There are several physical copies available at the front desk. New members are always welcome to join!
Movie Day – Enjoy a Movie Day at the library! Swing by our YA room for a day-long marathon of movies. This month on March 12 we will be showing the Space Jam movies for the start of March Madness.
Movie Night – Enjoy movie night at the library Wednesday, March 7th, beginning promptly at 7:00 PM. In the Library’s Community Room. This month’s movie is Moana 2. FREE snack and beverage! Doors open at 6:45 PM. Call the library to RSVP your seat(s).
Women’s Health Talk – On Wednesday, March 19th at 6:00 PM., come to the Bowlby library to join the Alzheimer’s Association and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh for a Women’s History Month event centered on empowering healthy minds. Join us for a presentation about how women can care for their brains, no matter their age. Each guest will be gifted a small healthy brain bag- filled with women specific items. Call 724-627-9776 to RSVP.
Puzzle Challenge – Saturday, March 8th @ 9:30am – 12:30 PM. Do you trust your puzzle skills enough to compete against other puzzle lovers? The library is looking for 10 teams of two to compete in putting together a 500-piece puzzle in three hours or less. Contact the library to register. A prize is awarded to the fastest team.
Jigsaw Jamboree – Saturday, March 29 we will be hosting a casual puzzle day! Challenge your own puzzling skills by attempting any of our in-house puzzles or bring your own. Puzzle swapping is highly encouraged.
Mahjong Club – Meets every Wednesday, 1:00 – 4:00 PM. Mahjong is a tile-based game that’s been played in Asia for over 300 years and is gaining global popularity. It’s easy to learn the basics. Please RSVP at the Circulation Desk.
CPR / AED Training [AHA] – The library is offering CPR Certification classes for Adult, Child, & Infant First Aid, and AED on Saturday, March 22nd. The class begins at 10:30 AM. and ends at 2:30 PM. Cost for the class is $88 and includes training, workbook, Take Home CPR Kit, 2 yr. certification card & manual. Seating is limited so an RSVP is required for all who wish to participate, walk ins will not be accepted. Call the Bowlby Library at 724-627-9776 for more details.
T.O.P.S.: Take Off Pounds Sensibly – Is a weight management support group that meets in the Library’s Community Room every Friday, 10:00 – 11:00AM.
Tech Tutoring – Need help with one of your devices? We want to help! Call the library to reserve a time-slot. Bring your electronic device, account passwords, any devices you use (and charging cords if needed), and your library card. One of our tech savvy librarians will help you with a variety of technology services. during weekly 20-30-minute appointments. Topics include: creating an email account, creating word documents, attaching files, using premium subscription library services, downloading and streaming content like movies, books, audiobooks, and so much more!