I Love This Place: Jim’s Point Marion Hardware
Stepping back in time at Jim’s Point Marion Hardware at 126 Penn Street comes with its own creaky footsteps, which you hear as soon as you walk through the door.
Archive Results: 03/2023
GreeneScene of the Past: Sadler’s Hardware Store
A copy of this old photograph of Frank Sadler and his Fourth of July float in front of Sadler’s Hardware Store is pinned on the bulletin board of Jim’s Pt. Marion
Shining the Light: Missionaries at Work
Ross Kalsey remembers his first mission trip – as a dad helper, recruited by Josh Sumpter, youth minister of First Presbyterian Church of Waynesburg. “Josh knew I was mechanically inclined
Cool at School: West Greene’s Youth Traffic Safety Council
The West Greene School District has resurrected a life-saving program helping youth drivers. A few years ago, the Highway Safety Network contacted Driver’s Ed teacher, Matthew Rychtarsky, about their interest
Greene Artifacts: Peoples National Bank Iron Gates
In 1905, at the corner of Church Street and High Street, construction began for a new building to house the Peoples National Bank in Waynesburg. The well-established Peoples was founded