7/1, 6:30pm @Bowlby Library. Presented by the Penn State Master Watershed Stewards. Come out to learn about rain barrels and watch a construction in action. Also, an option to purchase a rain barrel kit during the workshop. Collected water can be used to water plants. Each kit costs $45. To register, call 724-627-9776.
10am-12pm (Wednesdays), 1-3pm (Thursdays) @Bowlby Library. Need help with your device? A tech-savvy librarian is ready to help! FMI, call 724-627-9776.
7/4, 11am @Ryerson Station State Park. Ever wonder what the park looked like through the decades? Stop by the Environmental Education Center to find out! We’ll take a look at different photos that have been saved and talk about the history of the park. FMI or to register, visit events.dcnr.pa.gov.
10am-12pm (Wednesdays), 1-3pm (Thursdays) @Bowlby Library. Need help with your device? A tech-savvy librarian is ready to help! FMI, call 724-627-9776.
10am-12pm (Wednesdays), 1-3pm (Thursdays) @Bowlby Library. Need help with your device? A tech-savvy librarian is ready to help! FMI, call 724-627-9776.
7/10, 5pm @Bowlby Library.This hour-long demo will showcase a naturally fermented bread from Appalachia risen by wild bacteria - Salt risin’ bread. Attendees will learn about this unique fermentation and hands-on technique for bread-making: Play with dough, learn how to knead, and taste salt risin’bread. Look at images while talking about the history/science of salt
10am-12pm (Wednesdays), 1-3pm (Thursdays) @Bowlby Library. Need help with your device? A tech-savvy librarian is ready to help! FMI, call 724-627-9776.
10am-12pm (Wednesdays), 1-3pm (Thursdays) @Bowlby Library. Need help with your device? A tech-savvy librarian is ready to help! FMI, call 724-627-9776.
10am-12pm (Wednesdays), 1-3pm (Thursdays) @Bowlby Library. Need help with your device? A tech-savvy librarian is ready to help! FMI, call 724-627-9776.
7/19, 5-8pm @Thistlethwaite Vineyards. From 5pm to 8pm on the third Friday of the month, shine up your vehicles and head to the vineyard. Outside seating is available, or you can bring your own chair or blanket.
7/20, 10am @Ryerson Station State Park. Join special guest Dan Moore as he gives a talk on keeping bees. Dan is a Greene County resident with many years of experience in bee keeping and will be bringing an operational hive for viewing.FMI or to register, visit events.dcnr.pa.gov.
10am-12pm (Wednesdays), 1-3pm (Thursdays) @Bowlby Library. Need help with your device? A tech-savvy librarian is ready to help! FMI, call 724-627-9776.
10am-12pm (Wednesdays), 1-3pm (Thursdays) @Bowlby Library. Need help with your device? A tech-savvy librarian is ready to help! FMI, call 724-627-9776.
7/27, 8:30pm @Ryerson Station State Park. Join us for a viewing of the night sky as the Pittsburgh Amateur Astronomers will be at the park to offer a spectacular viewing through a telescope. Provided clear skies cooperate! Meet at Park Office. FMI or to register, visit events.dcnr.pa.gov.
The Rain Day Festival is held every year on July 29th it is a street fair in the heart of town, live entertainment on the courthouse steps, arts and crafts booths, hometown food booths, children’s games and assorted other diversions – including an umbrella decorating contest. Best of all, the admission is free! www.raindayfestival.com It
10am-12pm (Wednesdays), 1-3pm (Thursdays) @Bowlby Library. Need help with your device? A tech-savvy librarian is ready to help! FMI, call 724-627-9776.
10am-12pm (Wednesdays), 1-3pm (Thursdays) @Bowlby Library. Need help with your device? A tech-savvy librarian is ready to help! FMI, call 724-627-9776.