Mahjong Club
Eva K. Bowlby Library1-4pm @Bowlby Library. RSVP at 724-627-9776.
1-4pm @Bowlby Library. RSVP at 724-627-9776.
5pm @Thistlethwaite Vineyards. Glass and bottle specials, food, and a peaceful atmosphere each Wednesday.
11am-1pm @Bowlby Library. Meet the first and third Thursday each month. Share your ideas, projects, yarn and experience with like-minded knitters!
10am-12pm (Wednesdays), 1-3pm (Thursdays) @Bowlby Library. Need help with your device? A tech-savvy librarian is ready to help! FMI, call 724-627-9776.
6:30pm @Warrior Trail Headquarters, Garards Fort.
12:30pm-3:30pm @Bowlby Library. Led by Dungeon Master Matthew every Friday and Saturday.
7-10pm @ Mon View Roller Rink, every Friday & Saturday. Cost: $7. FMI 724-852-5323.
Bi-Weekly Flea and Farm Market — held each Tuesday and Saturday from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Rental fee is $6 per space. For reservations, call 724-852-5323.
3/23, 8:30am @Greene County Fairgrounds. Topics to be discussed: Fruit tree pruning; Honeybees, Are you killing you Hummingbirds? Silent auction, refreshments, door prizes. FMI:724802-8025. Register by phone - 1-877-345-0691. Walk-ins welcome.
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