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Memorial Day Events

May 26, 2024 - May 27, 2024

Sunday – May 26, 2024

The Brooks-Crago American Legion Post No. 816 of Rices Landing, PA will hold the following services:

1:30pm – Assembly for the parade will be at the Brooks-Crago American Legion Post #816.

2pm – Parade will begin at the post home and proceed to the Honor Roll located      between the Hewitt Cemetery & the Hewitt Presbyterian Church. The participants are as follows: Jefferson-Morgan High School Band, Boy & Girl Scouts of Rices Landing: and the Rices Landing Volunteer Fire Department. This will be followed with a guest speaker. 

Followed by a salute to the deceased and placement of the wreath at the Honor Roll. (HG/FS)

Following this service, another program will be held at the Crucible/St Mary’s Cemetery Honor Roll. (HG/FS)

A light snack will be provided at the Post home. 

The James R. Maxon American Legion Post No. 992 of Mt. Morris, PA will hold the following services: 

11am – Services at Kiger Cemetery. (HG/FS) 

11:20am – Services at Claughton Chapel Cemetery. (HG/FS)

Garards Fort Cemetery will hold the following services: 

11am – Garards Fort Cemetery service

Guest Speaker of the day will be: Blair Zimmerman, Greene County Commissioner

Followed with salute to the deceased, and placement of the wreath at the Monument.  HG/FS

The Greensboro VFW Post No. 6303 will hold the following services:

1pm – Greensboro VFW Honor Roll with Retired CSM Paul Walker and National Anthem by Layna Fisher. 

Followed with a salute to the deceased and placement of the wreath to honor our deceased at the monument. (HG/FS)

Honoring WWII Veteran: Orlando Prete (100 years Old)

Monday – May 27, 2024

The Carmichaels American Legion Post No. 400 will hold the following services:

1pm – Laurel Point Cemetery services.

Includes: Frank Ricco & the American Legion Post Band performing the National Anthem, a reading of General Logan’s Orders, a guest speaker TBA, presentation of the wreath at the Honor Roll, and presentation of the American flag.

Jefferson Boro will hold the following services:

11am – Parade starts at JM High School and ends at Jefferson VFC.

Veterans banners will be on display by memorial Day. 

The Filer-Sadlek Post No. 954 of Jefferson, PA will hold the following services:                   

10:30am – Jefferson Cemetery with a salute to the deceased and wreath placement at the Honor Roll. (HG/FS)

11am – Mather Honor Roll/Post Office with the speaker District Commander Guest speaker of the day is Rev. Kevin Roberts, followed with a salute to the deceased, placement of the wreath at the Honor Roll, and music by Jefferson Morgan High School band. 

11:35am – Service at the Veterans’ section of the Greene County Memorial Park, with a salute to the deceased and wreath placed at the base of the American flag. (HG/FS). 

The James R. Maxon American Legion Post No. 992 of Mt. Morris will hold the following services:  

10am – Services at the Mt. Morris United Methodist Church.

11am – Parade from the Mt. Morris United Methodist Church to the creek with a salute to the deceased by throwing a flower into the creek in memory of the Navy.

12pm – Ceremonies at the Cedar Grove Cemetery with guest speaker Jared Edgreen, followed by the placement of the wreath in honor of our deceased at the monument (HG/FS). 

Greene County Veterans Memorial Park will hold the following services:

10am – at the Greene County Veterans Memorial Park. 

Including welcome by Verona Allman, speaker Don Martin, invocation and closing prayer by Zane Mitchell, followed with a salute to the deceased and placement of the wreat at the monument. (HG/FS)

*HG – Honor Guard, FS – Firing Squad.

Information provided by the Veterans Affairs office as of May 14, 2024. FMI, contact the organizations listed above.


May 26, 2024
May 27, 2024