County Conversations: The HOME Program

If your home needs some help, the Greene County Planning and Community Development Department’s HOME Program may be the solution to your (and your home’s) problems. The program rehabilitates homes owned by low to moderate income residents in Greene County.  “The program allows our senior residents on fixed incomes and low to moderate income residents and families to have safe housing,” says Program Director Crystal Simmons. “It also helps the communities by removing blight and deteriorating structures which affects the value of neighboring properties.”

The HOME program offers a deferred payment loan of up to $35,000 to make repairs that bring the home into code compliance. The deferred payment loan converts to a grant after five years if compliance requirements are met. The loans can be used to assist with roof issues, safety and health issues, updates to major systems such as furnaces, outdated electric or plumbing systems, and other repairs that preserve, improve, and stabilize the current housing stock in Greene County.

The Greene County Planning and Community Development has recently announced the receipt of $500,000 from the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) of federal grant funds through the HOME Investment Partnership Program. In addition to helping homeowners with forgivable loans for home repair, the funds will provide an opportunity to strengthen the Greene County Workforce by employing local qualified contractors. 

The HOME program utilizes federal funds, and federal regulations stipulate that contractors must be licensed, insured, and the general contractor must be EPA-certified to work with lead-containing surfaces. Other qualifications include having been in business one year or more, as well as providing references. 

Finding qualified contractors is the biggest challenge the HOME program faces. To expand their list of approved contractors, they are working with area job training agencies and regional offices. They are also accepting contractor applications. 

The HOME program improves the housing situation of dozens of families and provides much needed repairs to individuals who would not be able to finance the repairs to their home without assistance. With projects anticipated to start on the late fall of this year, the need for contractors is urgent. FMI, or to apply for housing rehabilitation or as a contractor, contact the HOME Program office at 724-852-5260, email, or visit 

About Danielle Nyland

Current Position: Editor and Social Media Manager of GreeneScene Community Magazine. Danielle Nyland is a local photographer, artist, and writer. She is a Greene County native and currently lives in Nemacolin with her husband, Daytona, two sons, Remington and Kylo, and an English bull terrier, Sparky. Danielle has a background in graphic design, web publishing, social media, management, and photography. She graduated American Public University with an associate degree in web publishing and Bellevue University with a bachelor degree in graphic design. She has also attended the New York Institute of Photography. Before joining the team, she worked in retail and as an instructor at Laurel Business Institute. Outside of her work with the GreeneScene, she enjoys painting and drawing, photography, and loves reading books and watching movies – especially the scary ones! Danielle has been photographing and writing about local history and events since 2010 as part of the SWPA Rural Exploration team. She’s active in local community events and committees. She’s a board member with Flenniken Public Library and is on the committees for the Sheep & Fiber Festival, 50’s Fest & Car Cruise, and Light Up Night.