The Joy of Hard Hat Decals
The Joy of Hard Hat Decals By Danielle Nyland If you come from a family of coal miners, you probably have at least one photo album of colorful, high-shine decals
Archive Results: 07/2019
Shooting the Coal
Shooting the Coal By Danielle Nyland Before large-scale commercial mining came to Greene County, drift mines supplied coal to the community. These mines employed small numbers of men to mine
Mining in Greene
Mining in Greene By Danielle Nyland During the end of the last century and well into this one, Greene County was known as Pennsylvania’s coal powerhouse, eventually producing more coal
Don’t Drink the Water!
Don’t Drink the Water Presented by the Waynesburg University Players By Lauren Bertovich It’s that time again… summer time! Fun time! It’s the time to relax and enjoy those hot
Public Service Profile – Store to Door
Public Service Profile Store to Door By Michelle Church Greene County has many community members that have to deal with the lack of reliable transportation daily. The lack of transportation